Bex Taylor Klaus photos

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Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Audrey Jensen
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
Bex Taylor-Klaus
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Bex Taylor Klaus is an American actor and voice artist, best known for their roles in popular TV shows and films. Born on August 12, 1994, in Atlanta, Georgia, Bex discovered their passion for acting at a young age and pursued it with dedication. Their breakthrough came in 2013 when they landed the role of Bullet on the hit TV series The Killing. This intense and gripping performance showcased their immense talent and paved the way for future successes. Bex’s portrayal of a street-smart teenager dealing with challenging circumstances earned them critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. Following their success on The Killing, Bex continued to make waves in the entertainment industry. In 2014, they joined the cast of the hit MTV series Scream as Audrey Jensen, a witty and complex character. Bex’s portrayal of Audrey, a high-school student caught up in a series of chilling murders, earned them widespread recognition and established them as a rising star. Bex Taylor Klaus’s acting versatility extends beyond live-action television. They have showcased their talent in the animated realm as well, lending their voice to characters in popular shows like Voltron: Legendary Defender and The Dragon Prince. Their ability to bring life to animated characters has further solidified their reputation as a skilled and versatile performer. In addition to their acting career, Bex is also an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and mental health awareness. They openly identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns. Bex’s commitment to using their platform for social change has earned them admiration and respect from fans worldwide. With each new project, Bex Taylor Klaus continues to captivate audiences with their unique talent and undeniable screen presence. Their fearlessness in tackling diverse and challenging roles sets them apart in the entertainment industry. As they continue to make their mark, it is clear that Bex Taylor Klaus is a force to be reckoned with and a rising star to watch.

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