Britt Ekland photos

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Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland 1974
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland 1964
Britt Ekland 1972
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland Peter sellers
Britt Ekland
Get Carter 1971 Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland Peter sellers
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Britt Ekland
Barbara Bouchet

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Britt Ekland is a Swedish actress and former model, best known for her captivating beauty and memorable performances in both film and television. She was born on October 6, 1942, in Stockholm, Sweden. Ekland discovered her passion for acting at a young age and began her career in the entertainment industry as a model. Her striking looks and undeniable talent soon caught the attention of filmmakers, leading her to transition into acting. She made her film debut in the 1961 Swedish film Fiancee for Hire and quickly gained recognition both in Sweden and internationally. In 1964, Ekland became a household name when she starred opposite Peter Sellers in the immensely popular film The Party. Her performance as the sultry actress, with her seductive Swedish accent, added to her allure and established her as a sex symbol. Throughout her career, Ekland appeared in several noteworthy films, including Get Carter in 1971, alongside Michael Caine, and The Man with the Golden Gun in 1974, as Bond girl Mary Goodnight. She showcased her versatility by taking on a wide range of characters, displaying her acting prowess beyond her stunning looks. In addition to her film work, Ekland also made a mark on television, starring in various shows such as Fantasy Island and Knight Rider. Her presence on screen, whether big or small, was always captivating and left a lasting impression on audiences. Beyond her successful acting career, Ekland’s personal life has also garnered attention. She has been married four times, including to renowned actor Peter Sellers and rock musician Slim Jim Phantom of the Stray Cats. Ekland’s high-profile relationships and her glamorous lifestyle made her a fixture of tabloid media. As she continues to embrace her iconic status, Britt Ekland remains a celebrated figure in the entertainment industry. Her contributions to film and television, combined with her undeniable beauty and charisma, solidify her as a true Hollywood legend.

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