Candice Huffine photos

Most popular Candice Huffine photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Candice Huffine

Candice Huffine photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Candice Huffine, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Candice Huffine is an American supermodel and body positivity advocate. She was born on October 15, 1984, in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. Growing up, Huffine showed a keen interest in fashion and modeling. However, she faced numerous rejections due to the industry’s limited representation of body types. In 2000, Huffine decided to pursue her dream and entered a plus-size modeling competition. This opportunity catapulted her career, leading to various collaborations with renowned fashion brands. With her striking features and confident presence, she quickly became a prominent figure in the fashion world, challenging traditional beauty standards. Huffine’s breakthrough moment came in 2010 when she became the first plus-size model to appear in the high-fashion Pirelli Calendar. This groundbreaking achievement shattered barriers and paved the way for greater diversity in the industry. Since then, she has worked with esteemed designers and graced the covers of prestigious fashion magazines. Beyond her successful modeling career, Huffine is a fierce advocate for body positivity and inclusivity. She uses her platform to challenge beauty norms and promote self-acceptance. Through her advocacy work, she encourages people of all sizes to embrace their bodies and feel confident in their skin. In addition to being a role model for body positivity, Huffine is an active voice in the fight against online trolling and negative comments. She consistently speaks out against body shaming and aims to create a safer, more inclusive online environment. Candice Huffine’s impact on the fashion industry and body positivity movement cannot be overstated. Her determination, talent, and commitment to inclusivity continue to inspire individuals worldwide.

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