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Carol Alt is an American model and actress, born on December 1, 1960, in Queens, New York. She rose to fame during the 1980s as one of the most successful supermodels, gracing the covers of prestigious fashion magazines such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. Alt’s stunning features and tall, elegant figure earned her widespread recognition and numerous high-profile modeling contracts. Her breakthrough came when she became the face of CoverGirl cosmetics, solidifying her status as a leading model in the industry. In addition to her modeling career, Alt ventured into acting, starring in various films and television shows. She made her acting debut in 1983 with a cameo in the film Portfolio, followed by appearances in movies like Beyond Justice and Snakehead Terror. Alt also had a recurring role on the popular TV series Thunder in Paradise alongside Hulk Hogan. Apart from her successful modeling and acting career, Alt is also a passionate advocate for health and wellness. She became known as a health guru and authored several books on maintaining a balanced lifestyle through a raw food diet. Alt’s dedication to health and fitness led her to become a spokesperson for various health and beauty products and brands. Throughout her career, Alt has been celebrated for her timeless beauty, professionalism, and entrepreneurial spirit. She has continued to be an influential figure in the fashion and entertainment industry, inspiring generations of aspiring models and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Carol Alt’s multifaceted talents, from being a renowned supermodel to an actress, author, and health advocate, have solidified her status as an iconic celebrity in the world of entertainment.

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