Christa B. Allen photos

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Christa b. Allen

Christa B. Allen photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Christa B. Allen, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Christa B. Allen is an American actress known for her work in film and television. She was born on November 11, 1991, in Wildomar, California. Allen began her career at a young age, appearing in commercials and doing voiceover work. At the age of 13, Allen got her breakthrough role in the popular film 13 Going on 30 (2004), where she played the younger version of Jennifer Garner’s character. The movie helped her gain recognition and opened doors for more opportunities in the entertainment industry. Following her success in 13 Going on 30, Allen went on to work on various television shows, including Grey’s Anatomy, Medium, and Cory in the House. In 2011, she landed a significant role in the hit TV series Revenge, where she portrayed the character of Charlotte Grayson. Her performance in the show garnered critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. Outside of acting, Allen is also involved in philanthropic endeavors. She supports organizations such as the Humane Society and the Los Angeles-based Art of Elysium, which focuses on using art as a tool for social change. As her career continues to flourish, Christa B. Allen remains an admired figure in the entertainment industry. With her incredible talent and dedication, she continues to captivate audiences with her performances, proving herself to be a versatile and talented actress.

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