Christina Hendricks photos

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Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks Stephen Sondheims Company
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Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
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Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks 2000
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks 2022
Christina Hendricks 2000
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks 2010
Christina Hendricks 2005
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Christina Hendricks, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Christina Hendricks is an American actress and former model, best known for her striking red hair and curvaceous figure. She was born on May 3, 1975, in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hendricks began her career in the entertainment industry as a model, working internationally in countries like London and New York. However, it was her move to Los Angeles that truly launched her acting career. She made her television debut in 1999, appearing in an episode of the hit series Undressed. In 2007, Hendricks joined the cast of the critically acclaimed AMC drama series Mad Men, portraying the character Joan Holloway. Her portrayal of the confident, ambitious and alluring secretary quickly gained attention and became one of the most memorable characters on the show. Hendricks’s performance earned her several accolades, including six nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Following the success of Mad Men, Hendricks appeared in numerous films and television series, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Some of her notable film credits include Drive (2011), Ginger & Rosa (2012), and The Neon Demon (2016). She has also lent her voice to animated films such as Toy Story 4 (2019). Aside from her acting career, Hendricks has been commended for her body positivity advocacy and her refusal to adhere to Hollywood’s narrow beauty standards. She has inspired many women with her confidence and continues to promote inclusivity and self-acceptance. Christina Hendricks has established herself as a talented and respected actress, known for her charisma, talent, and unique beauty. She continues to captivate audiences with her performances on screen and remains an influential figure in the entertainment industry.

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