Daria Melnikova photos

Most popular Daria Melnikova photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Daria Melnikova is a Russian actress, model, and television presenter. She was born on July 26, 1982, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Daria initially gained fame as a model, working with various prestigious brands and appearing in numerous fashion shows. In 2004, Daria made her acting debut in the Russian film Antikiller D.K, which garnered her critical acclaim. This success opened the doors for her in the entertainment industry, and she went on to feature in several popular films and TV series. Some of her notable works include Kollektsioner (2008), Kandahar (2010), and Chuzhiye (2014). Aside from her acting career, Daria Melnikova is also known for her work as a television presenter. She has hosted several TV shows, including the popular reality show Dancing with the Stars and the culinary competition Golden Ring. Daria has received recognition for her performances and contributions to the Russian entertainment industry. She has been nominated for several awards and has won the Best Actress Award at the Sochi Open Russian Film Festival for her role in the film Chuzhiye. Off-screen, Daria is known for her philanthropic work. She actively supports charities that focus on helping children and promoting education. With her talent, beauty, and versatility, Daria Melnikova has established herself as a prominent figure in the Russian entertainment industry. Her diverse career spanning acting, modeling, and television presenting has made her a beloved celebrity in Russia and beyond.

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