Emily Wickersham photos

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Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham blonde
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham NCIS
Emily Wickersham
Teresa Palmer
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Baldoni
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham

Emily Wickersham photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Emily Wickersham, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Emily Wickersham is an American actress best known for her role as Ellie Bishop on the popular television series NCIS. She was born on April 26, 1984, in Kansas, USA. Wickersham began her acting career in the early 2000s, appearing in various television shows and films. Her breakthrough came in 2013 when she joined the cast of NCIS. The show instantly became a hit, and Wickersham gained immense popularity for her portrayal of the quirky and intelligent Special Agent Ellie Bishop. Before NCIS, Wickersham had notable roles in television series like The Sopranos and Gossip Girl. She also appeared in films such as Gone and Remember Me. However, it was her role in NCIS that solidified her place in the industry. Aside from her acting achievements, Wickersham has also been recognized for her stunning looks and fashion choices. She has made appearances on several red carpets and has been featured in numerous fashion magazines. Outside of her professional life, Wickersham is known for her love of animals. She actively supports organizations that work towards animal welfare and frequently shares posts about her own pets on social media. Emily Wickersham continues to captivate audiences with her versatile acting skills. Her talent, combined with her natural beauty and compassionate nature, has made her a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. With each new project, she leaves a lasting impression on her fans, cementing her status as a beloved celebrity.

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