Geena Davis photos

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Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
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Geena Davis
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Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
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Geena Davis
Debra winger
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis 2022
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
Geena Davis

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Geena Davis is an American actress, producer, and activist known for her exceptional talent and diverse range of roles in both film and television. She was born Virginia Elizabeth Davis on January 21, 1956, in Wareham, Massachusetts. Davis began her acting career in the late 1970s, appearing in various television series such as Knight Rider and Remington Steele. However, it was her breakout role in the 1982 film Tootsie that brought her widespread recognition and critical acclaim. Davis portrayed the intelligent soap opera actress, April Page, showcasing her comedic timing and undeniable on-screen presence. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Davis continued to establish herself as one of Hollywood’s leading actresses, starring in box office hits like Beetlejuice, The Fly, and Thelma & Louise. Her portrayal of the confident and fearless Thelma earned her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress, cementing her status as an exceptional talent. Beyond her acting career, Davis is also an influential advocate for gender equality in the media. In 2004, she founded the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting fair representation of women in film and television. The institute conducts extensive research and collaborates with industry leaders to address the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of women in media. In addition to her activism, Davis has also ventured into producing. She co-founded the production company, Bentley Davis Productions, and has executive produced notable projects like the Academy Award-winning documentary The Hunting Ground and the television series Commander in Chief. Geena Davis is not only a celebrated actress, but also a dedicated advocate and trailblazer for gender equality in the entertainment industry. Her remarkable talent, fierce determination, and commitment to promoting positive change have solidified her as an influential figure in Hollywood and beyond.

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