Jana Kramer photos

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Jana Kramer
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Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
One Tree Hill Jana Kramer
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Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Rae Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
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Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
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Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
One Tree Hill Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer
Jana Kramer

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Jana Kramer is an American actress, singer, and songwriter, best known for her work in country music. She was born on December 2, 1983, in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Kramer’s passion for performing began at a young age, and she actively pursued a career in the entertainment industry. After graduating high school, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting opportunities. In 2003, Kramer got her first big break when she appeared on the popular television show All My Children. Her role as a troubled teen earned her critical acclaim and opened doors to further acting opportunities. Throughout her career, she has appeared in various television shows, including Friday Night Lights and 90210. However, Kramer’s true passion lies in music. In 2012, she released her debut country album, titled Jana Kramer. The album was a success, reaching number five on the Billboard Country Albums chart. It produced several hit singles, including Why Ya Wanna and Whiskey. Her success as a country artist continued with the release of her second album, Thirty One, in 2015. The album featured the hit single I Got The Boy, which became her biggest commercial success to date. Aside from her talents as an actress and singer, Kramer has also participated in reality television. In 2016, she competed on the popular dance competition show Dancing with the Stars and finished in fourth place. Beyond her career, Kramer has faced personal struggles, including a highly publicized divorce from her first husband in 2011. Despite these challenges, she has remained resilient and has used her experiences to connect with fans through her music and personal stories. Jana Kramer continues to thrive in the entertainment industry, with a successful career as an actress, singer, and songwriter. She is admired for her ability to connect with audiences through her music and her openness about her personal life. With her talent and determination, she has solidified her place as a respected figure in the country music industry.

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