Janina Gavankar photos

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Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
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Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar

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Janina Gavankar is an American actress, musician, and philanthropist. She was born on November 29, 1980, in Joliet, Illinois, to an Indian father and Dutch mother. Gavankar grew up in a multicultural household, which greatly influenced her career and love for performing arts. From a young age, Gavankar showcased immense talent and passion for music. She started playing piano at the age of three and later added the guitar to her repertoire. After graduating from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she studied Theatre Performance and International Studies, she decided to pursue her dreams in Hollywood. Gavankar’s breakthrough came with her role as Papi, a lesbian Latina DJ, in the hit television series The L Word. Her compelling performance earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. She then went on to star in numerous television shows such as True Blood, The League, and Arrow, showcasing her versatility as an actress. In addition to her acting career, Gavankar is also an accomplished musician. She released her debut EP, Janina, in 2011, which featured her powerful vocals and mesmerizing blend of pop and soulful melodies. Her music has garnered praise from both critics and fans alike, and she continues to explore her musical talents alongside her acting endeavors. Beyond her artistic pursuits, Gavankar is actively involved in various charitable causes. She is an advocate for animal rights and has worked with organizations such as PETA to promote ethical treatment of animals. She also uses her platform to raise awareness about social issues, including gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights. Janina Gavankar is a multi-talented artist who has made a significant impact in both the entertainment industry and the philanthropic world. With her captivating performances and dedication to various causes, she continues to inspire and entertain audiences worldwide.

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