Jean-Luc Bilodeau photos

Most popular Jean-Luc Bilodeau photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
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Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
Jean luc Bilodeau
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Jean-Luc Bilodeau is a Canadian actor who was born on November 4, 1990, in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is best known for his role as Ben Wheeler in the hit television series Baby Daddy. Bilodeau began his acting career at a young age, appearing in commercials and print advertisements. He made his feature film debut in 2004, starring in the drama Ill Fated. He went on to appear in several television shows and movies, including a guest role on the popular teen drama Kyle XY. However, it was his role on Baby Daddy that catapulted Bilodeau into the spotlight. The sitcom, which aired from 2012 to 2017, followed the life of Ben Wheeler, a young man who becomes a single father overnight. Bilodeau’s charming portrayal of Ben won over audiences and established him as a talented comedic actor. Following the success of Baby Daddy, Bilodeau continued to showcase his versatility by appearing in other television shows, such as Terror in the Woods and Agent Carter. He also ventured into film, starring in the horror-thriller Trick in 2019. Aside from his acting career, Bilodeau is known for his philanthropy work. He has been involved with the Starlight Children’s Foundation, a charity that supports hospitalized children and their families, since he was a child. Bilodeau regularly participates in fundraising events and visits hospitals to bring joy to sick children. In his personal life, Bilodeau is known for being a private individual. However, he is active on social media, often sharing glimpses of his personal life and behind-the-scenes moments from his projects. Jean-Luc Bilodeau’s talent and infectious charm have made him a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. With his impressive acting skills and dedication to his craft, he continues to captivate audiences and solidify his status as a rising star.

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