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Jodi Albert

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Jodi Albert is an English actress and singer, best known for her role as Debbie Dean in the popular British soap opera, Hollyoaks. She was born on July 22, 1983, in Chingford, London. Albert began her entertainment career at a young age, attending the Sylvia Young Theatre School in London. She first gained recognition in 1997 as a member of the British-Irish girl group, Girl Thing. The group released several singles and had moderate success, but eventually disbanded in 2001. In 2002, Albert joined the cast of Hollyoaks, where she portrayed the feisty and troubled character of Debbie Dean. Her portrayal earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. She remained with the show until 2005, leaving to pursue other acting opportunities. After leaving Hollyoaks, Albert appeared in various television shows and films, including roles in Popcorn, The Inspector Lynley Mysteries, and Casualty. She also pursued a music career as a solo artist, releasing a number of singles. In 2008, Albert took a break from acting to focus on her personal life. She married her long-time boyfriend, Kian Egan, who is a member of the Irish boy band, Westlife. The couple has three children together. In recent years, Albert has made a return to acting and has appeared in television dramas such as Blood in the Water and Gravity. She continues to balance her acting career with her role as a mother and wife. Jodi Albert’s talents as an actress and singer have made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Her dedication and versatility have allowed her to showcase her talents across different mediums, and she remains a respected and adored celebrity.

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