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John Cusack
John Cusack
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John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
John Cusack
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John Cusack
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John Cussac

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John Cusack is an American actor and screenwriter, born on June 28, 1966, in Evanston, Illinois. He comes from a family deeply involved in filmmaking, with his father Richard Cusack being an actor and filmmaker, and his siblings also pursuing careers in the industry. Cusack made his acting debut at the age of 17 in the film Class (1983), but it was his breakout performance in the romantic comedy Say Anything… (1989) that gained him widespread recognition. His portrayal of the lovable Lloyd Dobler established him as the quintessential 80s teen heartthrob. Throughout his career, Cusack has proven his versatility as an actor, effortlessly transitioning between genres. He has starred in critically acclaimed dramas like High Fidelity (2000), where he played a music-obsessed record store owner, and Being John Malkovich (1999), for which he received critical acclaim for his role as a puppeteer. Cusack has also ventured into action films, with memorable performances in movies like Grosse Pointe Blank (1997), where he played a hitman attending his high school reunion, and Con Air (1997), portraying an escaped convict. With his unique blend of charm and intensity, Cusack has managed to captivate audiences in a wide range of roles. In addition to acting, Cusack has demonstrated his writing skills by co-authoring the screenplay for the political drama War, Inc. (2008), in which he also starred. He has also been involved in producing a number of projects throughout his career. Beyond the silver screen, Cusack has been an outspoken activist, often using his platform to voice his political views and advocate for various causes. He has participated in protests and even co-founded a production company, New Crime Productions, which aims to produce socially conscious films. With a career spanning over four decades, John Cusack has established himself as a versatile actor, beloved by audiences for his genuine performances and charisma. He continues to work on a variety of projects, consistently showcasing his talents both in front of and behind the camera.

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