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Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock Star Trek
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock wet
Jolene Blalock
Jolene Blalock

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Jolene Blalock is an American actress and model, best known for her role as Sub-Commander T’Pol on the television series Star Trek: Enterprise. She was born on March 5, 1975, in San Diego, California. Blalock started her career as a model, working for various magazines and appearing in advertising campaigns. Her stunning looks and great poise quickly caught the attention of casting agents, leading her to venture into acting. In 2001, Blalock got her big break when she was cast as T’Pol in Star Trek: Enterprise. Her portrayal of the Vulcan science officer earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fan following. She brought depth and complexity to her character, capturing both the aloofness and vulnerability of a Vulcan trying to find her place among humans. Following the success of Star Trek, Blalock appeared in several television shows, including guest roles on JAG, CSI: Miami, and Stargate SG-1. She also starred in films like Slow Burn and Shadow Puppets, showcasing her versatile acting skills. In addition to her acting career, Blalock is an avid supporter of various charitable causes. She has worked with organizations like PETA and has been involved in raising awareness about animal rights and conservation efforts. Off-screen, Blalock leads a private life and prefers to keep her personal affairs out of the public eye. She is married to Michael Rapino, the CEO of Live Nation Entertainment, and they have three children together. Jolene Blalock’s talent, beauty, and charismatic portrayal of T’Pol have made her a beloved figure in popular culture. Her contributions to the Star Trek franchise and her versatile acting have solidified her status as a respected celebrity in the entertainment industry.

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