Josephine Skriver photos

Most popular Josephine Skriver photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Josephine Skriver is a Danish supermodel known for her work with luxury brands and her stunning presence on the runway. She was born on April 14, 1993, in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was raised by her gay father and lesbian mother, who conceived her through IVF. This unique upbringing in a loving and accepting household helped shape Josephine’s progressive mindset and strong advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights. Skriver’s career in the modeling industry took off in 2011 when she participated in the Elite Model Look competition in Denmark. Although she didn’t win the competition, her talent and potential were quickly recognized by various agencies. She soon signed with Unique Models, leading to her debut on the international runway in 2013 during New York Fashion Week. Since then, Josephine Skriver has become a highly sought-after model, known for her distinctive look and brand collaborations. She has walked the runway for renowned designers like Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Alexander Wang, and many others. Skriver has also been a regular face at the prestigious Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, becoming one of the brand’s famous Angels in 2016. Aside from her successful runway career, Josephine has also graced the covers of numerous fashion magazines, including Vogue, Elle, and Harper’s Bazaar. Her versatility in modeling has allowed her to effortlessly transition between high fashion and commercial work, solidifying her position as one of the industry’s elite. Beyond her professional endeavors, Josephine Skriver is known for her philanthropic work. She is an active supporter of various charitable organizations, often using her platform to raise awareness for causes such as LGBTQ+ rights, poverty, and children’s education. Skriver’s philanthropy reflects her compassionate and empathetic nature, proving that she is not only a stunning model but also a kind-hearted individual looking to make a positive impact on the world. Josephine Skriver continues to inspire and captivate audiences with her beauty, talent, and strong values. As she gracefully navigates the fashion industry, she serves as an example of determination, authenticity, and the power of embracing one’s uniqueness.

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