Kendra Spears photos

Most popular Kendra Spears photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Kendra Spears Fashion

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Kendra Spears, now known as Princess Salwa Aga Khan, is an American model and member of high society. She was born on August 5, 1988, in Seattle, Washington. After completing her high school education, Kendra went on to attend the University of Washington where she studied sociology. In 2008, Kendra participated in a modeling competition and won, which kickstarted her modeling career. She quickly gained recognition for her striking looks and charismatic presence on the runway. Over the years, she became a sought-after model, working with renowned fashion houses and appearing in leading magazines such as Vogue and Elle. In 2013, Kendra’s life took an unexpected turn when she married Prince Rahim Aga Khan, the eldest son of His Highness Aga Khan IV, the spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims. As a result of her marriage, Kendra became an important figure in the world of philanthropy. Deeply committed to making a difference, Kendra has devoted her time and efforts to various charitable causes. She actively supports organizations that focus on education, healthcare, and cultural preservation. Kendra has traveled extensively with her husband, carrying out their joint philanthropic works and championing deserving causes. Outside of her philanthropic work, Kendra continues to maintain a presence in the fashion industry. While she has scaled back her modeling career after her marriage, she occasionally appears in fashion campaigns and events. Alongside her responsibilities as a member of high society, Kendra also enjoys spending time with her family and embracing her roles as a wife and mother. Kendra Spears, now known as Princess Salwa Aga Khan, exemplifies both beauty and compassion. Her journey from a successful model to becoming a respected philanthropist has been an inspiration to many. With her dedication to making a positive impact in the world, she continues to leave an indelible mark on both industries she is involved in.

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