Kira Kosarin photos

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Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin 2016
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin 2022
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin
Kira Kosarin 2016
Kira Kosarin

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Kira Kosarin is an American actress, singer, and dancer, best known for her role as Phoebe Thunderman in the Nickelodeon TV series, The Thundermans. She was born on October 7, 1997, in Morristown, New Jersey. Kosarin developed a love for performing at a young age and began taking dance lessons by the age of 4. She quickly excelled in various dance styles, including ballet, jazz, and hip-hop. Her passion for dancing eventually led her to venture into acting. At the age of 14, Kira auditioned for the role of Phoebe Thunderman in The Thundermans. Her impressive acting skills, combined with her dancing background, made her the perfect fit for the role of a superhero with telekinesis powers. The show premiered in 2013 and became an instant hit, running for four seasons. Apart from her success on The Thundermans, Kira has also showcased her talents in music. She released her debut single, Replay, in 2017, which garnered positive reviews from both fans and critics. Her subsequent singles, such as Spy and Love Me Like You Hate Me, further established her as a promising singer. Kosarin has also demonstrated her versatility as an actress by appearing in other television shows and films. She landed guest roles in popular series like Henry Danger and School of Rock. Additionally, she starred in the Hallmark Channel original movie, One Crazy Cruise. Beyond her accomplishments in the entertainment industry, Kira is known for her philanthropic endeavors. She actively supports causes like anti-bullying campaigns and mental health awareness, using her platform to promote positive change. Overall, Kira Kosarin has proven herself to be a talented and multifaceted artist. Her dedication to her craft, as well as her charismatic personality, have earned her a loyal fan base. As she continues to pursue her passion, there is no doubt that Kira’s star will continue to rise in the world of entertainment.

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