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Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
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Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
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Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
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Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis
Kostas Martakis

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Kostas Martakis is a Greek singer, actor, and television presenter. Born on May 25, 1984, in Athens, Greece, Martakis rose to fame after his participation in the talent show Super Idol in 2006, where he finished in second place. His captivating voice and charming personality quickly gained him a devoted fan base. After the show, Martakis released his debut single Always and Forever, which became an instant hit in Greece and Cyprus. This success was followed by numerous successful albums, such as Pio Konta, Anatropi, and Kanenas De Me Stamata. Martakis is known for his energetic stage presence and his ability to effortlessly switch between various music genres, including pop, rock, and dance. His powerful vocals and passionate performances have cemented his status as one of Greece’s most beloved entertainers. Besides his music career, Martakis has also ventured into acting and television presenting. He appeared in several Greek television series and starred in the musical Saturday Night Fever in 2012. Martakis has also been a host of various Greek TV shows, including Idol and Just the Two of Us. Throughout his career, Martakis has received numerous awards and accolades for his musical talent, including multiple nominations at the MAD Video Music Awards and the Arion Music Awards, where he won Best Male Artist in 2012. His popularity extends beyond Greece, with fans all around the world eagerly following his work. Offstage, Martakis is known for his philanthropic endeavors, supporting various charitable causes, including the fight against children’s cancer. Despite his celebrity status, he remains down-to-earth and genuinely appreciative of his fans’ support. Kostas Martakis continues to captivate audiences with his music, acting, and television appearances. With his undeniable talent and charisma, it is no wonder that he has become a beloved celebrity in Greece and beyond.

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