Larissa Riquelme photos

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Larissa Riquelme
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Larissa Riquelme Paraguay
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Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
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Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme
Larissa Riquelme

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Larissa Riquelme is a Paraguayan model and television personality, born on February 22, 1985, in Asuncion, Paraguay. She gained international fame after catching the attention of the media during the 2010 FIFA World Cup held in South Africa. Riquelme first rose to popularity in her home country through her appearances in numerous beauty pageants and modeling gigs. Her unique beauty and captivating personality led to several opportunities in the entertainment industry, including hosting TV shows and appearing in music videos. However, it was her unwavering support for the Paraguayan national football team during the 2010 World Cup that skyrocketed her to global fame. Larissa coined the term World Cup’s Girlfriend when she became a viral sensation by turning heads with her revealing costumes and her prominent cell phone tucked between her cleavage. Her images captured by photographers became some of the most shared and talked-about moments of the tournament. Following her World Cup fame, Larissa Riquelme made appearances in various international media outlets, further cementing her status as a sex symbol and celebrity. She graced the covers of numerous magazines and participated in reality TV shows both in Paraguay and abroad. Beyond her modeling career, Riquelme has used her platform to support charitable causes and engage in philanthropy. She has been involved in campaigns to raise awareness about breast cancer, child poverty, and education in her home country. Her dedication to giving back to her community has made her a beloved figure among her fans. Despite her iconic status as the World Cup’s Girlfriend, Larissa Riquelme has since focused on her personal life, including raising her son and maintaining a lower profile in the entertainment industry. Nonetheless, her impact on pop culture and her ability to captivate audiences worldwide has solidified her as one of Paraguay’s most well-known celebrities.

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