Lee Pace photos

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Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
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Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace 2021
Lee Pace 2022
Lee Pace
Lee Pace
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Lee Pace
Lee Pace
Lee Pace

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Lee Pace is an American actor, best known for his versatile performances in both film and television. He was born on March 25, 1979, in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Pace grew up in a small town, but his love for acting pushed him to pursue his dreams. He studied acting at The Julliard School, where he honed his skills and became a prominent figure in the performing arts community. After graduating, Pace made his television debut in the critically acclaimed series Wonderfalls in 2004. His exceptional portrayal of the character earned him recognition and set the stage for his future success. Pace’s breakout role came in 2006 when he starred as Ned, the pie maker, in the television series Pushing Daisies. His performance as a man with the ability to bring the dead back to life garnered widespread acclaim and earned him a Primetime Emmy nomination. The show became a cult favorite, and Pace became a household name. In addition to his television work, Pace has also had a successful career in film. He has appeared in numerous notable movies, including The Fall (2006), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), and The Hobbit trilogy (2012-2014). His versatility as an actor is evident in the diverse range of characters he has portrayed, from an elven king to a villainous genocidal maniac. Pace’s talent and dedication to his craft have earned him critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base. He continues to mesmerize audiences with his commanding screen presence and ability to bring depth to his characters. Whether on the small screen or the silver screen, Lee Pace continues to captivate and inspire with his incredible performances.

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