Lisa Stansfield photos

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Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield on 1989
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield

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Lisa Stansfield is an internationally acclaimed British singer, songwriter, and actress. She was born on April 11, 1966, in Manchester, England. From a young age, Stansfield showed immense talent and love for music, with her soulful and powerful vocals captivating those around her. In the 1980s, Stansfield rose to fame as the lead vocalist of the British band Blue Zone. However, it was her solo career that propelled her to global recognition. In 1989, she released her debut album titled Affection, which became an instant success, producing chart-topping hits like All Around the World and This is the Right Time. The album showcased Stansfield’s unique blend of soul, R&B, and pop, earning her critical acclaim and a devoted fan base. Throughout her career, Stansfield continued to release successful albums, each highlighting her exceptional vocal range and emotional depth. Her notable albums include Real Love (1991), So Natural (1993), and The Moment (2004). Stansfield’s music resonated with audiences worldwide, earning her numerous awards, including Brit Awards and Ivor Novello Awards. Aside from her music, Stansfield also ventured into acting. In 1999, she starred in the acclaimed British comedy film Swing, where she showcased her versatility and natural talent on the big screen. Throughout her illustrious career, Stansfield has sold over 20 million records worldwide, making her one of the most successful British female artists. Her soulful voice, combined with her heartfelt lyrics and undeniable talent, has solidified her position as a music icon. Lisa Stansfield remains an active artist, captivating audiences with her live performances and new music. Her enduring legacy in the music industry continues to inspire aspiring musicians and touch the hearts of millions around the world.

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