Liv Tyler photos

Most popular Liv Tyler photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler Triumph
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler 1996
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler
Liv Tyler 2010
Liv Tyler

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Liv Tyler was born on July 1, 1977, in New York City. She is an American actress and model, famous for her roles in films such as Armageddon, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and The Incredible Hulk. Tyler comes from a prominent showbiz family. Her father is rock musician Steven Tyler, the frontman of the legendary band Aerosmith, and her mother is model Bebe Buell. However, Liv Tyler was raised by her mother and believed that her father was musician Todd Rundgren until she discovered the truth at the age of 11. Tyler’s acting career took off in the mid-1990s when she was cast in leading roles in successful movies. Her breakthrough performance came with her portrayal of Arwen Undomiel in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Her ethereal beauty and captivating presence established her as a rising star and earned her international recognition. Aside from her acting career, Tyler has also ventured into the world of modeling. She signed with the prestigious agency IMG Models and has appeared in numerous campaigns for major fashion brands, including Givenchy and Gap. Her graceful and elegant fashion sense has made her a style icon admired by many. Throughout her career, Liv Tyler has received critical acclaim for her performances, demonstrating her versatility as an actress. She has seamlessly transitioned between genres, portraying characters ranging from romantic heroines to strong-willed and independent women. Despite her success, Tyler has always maintained a down-to-earth personality. She prioritizes her family and has embraced motherhood, being a proud mother of three children. She is also involved in various philanthropic activities, supporting causes such as maternal health and cancer research. With her talent, grace, and undeniable beauty, Liv Tyler has become a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Her ability to captivate audiences on both the big screen and the fashion runways has solidified her status as a true Hollywood icon.

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