Madeline Zima photos

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Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima the Nanny
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima
Madeline zima

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Madeline Zima is an American actress known for her roles in both television and film. She was born on September 16, 1985, in New Haven, Connecticut. Zima began her acting career at a young age, making her debut in the 1992 film The Hand That Rocks the Cradle at just six years old. Zima gained widespread recognition for her portrayal of Grace Sheffield, the youngest daughter on the popular television series The Nanny, which aired from 1993 to 1999. Her charming and witty performance earned her critical acclaim and made her a household name. Following the success of The Nanny, Zima continued to work in both film and television. She appeared in numerous guest roles on popular shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Californication, and Heroes. In 2009, she took on a more mature role as Mia Lewis in the hit series Californication, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Throughout her career, Zima has also demonstrated her talent in film. She appeared in movies such as A Cinderella Story, Dimples, and Legacy, further establishing herself as a versatile and talented actress. Aside from acting, Zima has also ventured into producing and directing. In 2014, she co-wrote and directed her first short film titled Alice which received positive reviews. As an actress, Zima is known for her ability to portray complex and compelling characters with depth and authenticity. Her performances consistently capture audiences’ attention and have earned her a loyal fan base. Madeline Zima continues to work in the entertainment industry, continually seeking new and exciting projects. With her talent, beauty, and dedication to her craft, she has undoubtedly established herself as a formidable force in the world of acting.

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