Madison Pettis photos

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Madison Pettis

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Madison Pettis is an American actress, model, and voice actress, born on July 22, 1998, in Arlington, Texas. She gained fame at a young age for her role as Peyton Kelly in the hit Disney Channel series Cory in the House (2007-2008). Pettis began her career in entertainment when she was just five years old, appearing in various national commercials and print ads. Her breakthrough role came in 2006 when she landed the voice role of Peaches in the animated film Ice Age: The Meltdown. This opened doors for her in the world of voice acting, and she went on to lend her voice to several other animated projects, including the popular Disney Channel series The Lion Guard (2016-2019). Aside from her voice work, Pettis has made notable appearances on television. She starred as Sophie Martinez in the Disney Channel Original Series Cory in the House, a spin-off of the widely popular That’s So Raven. Her portrayal of the sassy and witty lead character earned her considerable praise from both critics and audiences. Pettis has also made guest appearances on popular television shows like Hannah Montana, The 4400, and Special Agent Oso. In addition to her television work, she has appeared in several films such as The Game Plan (2007) alongside Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and the comedy film Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta! (2012). In recent years, Pettis has transitioned into more mature roles, showcasing her versatility as an actress. She starred in the drama series Life with Boys (2011-2013), where she played the role of Allie Brooks, a character dealing with the challenges of being the only girl in a male-dominated household. Outside of acting, Pettis is also known for her philanthropic efforts. She has partnered with several organizations, including the Starlight Children’s Foundation and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, to raise funds and awareness for various causes. Madison Pettis continues to be a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, consistently showcasing her talent and capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide. With her versatility and dedication, she is sure to have a long and successful career in both acting and philanthropy.

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