Maki Horikita photos

Most popular Maki Horikita photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Maki Horikita
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Maki Horikita
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Maki Horikita
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Maki Horikita
Japanese photo album
Maki Horikita
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Maki Horikita
Maki Horikita
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Maki Horikita Weekly

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Maki Horikita is a renowned Japanese actress and former fashion model. She was born on October 6, 1988, in Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan. Horikita gained immense popularity and recognition in the entertainment industry for her exceptional talent and captivating performances. Early in her career, Horikita began working as a fashion model, appearing in various magazines and endorsing several brands. However, it was her outstanding acting skills that truly propelled her to stardom. In 2003, she made her debut as an actress in the television drama Keitai Deka Zenigata Mai, where she played one of the lead roles. This marked the beginning of her successful acting career. Over the years, Horikita proved her versatility by portraying a wide range of characters in both television dramas and films. She became renowned for her ability to breathe life into her roles, captivating audiences with her natural acting talent and emotional depth. Some of her most notable works include the drama series Nobuta wo Produce, Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, and Miss Pilot. Horikita’s talent and contributions to the entertainment industry have not gone unnoticed. She has received numerous prestigious awards, such as the ‘Best Actress’ award at the Japan Academy Prize and Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix. Her performances have also garnered critical acclaim both in Japan and internationally. Aside from her acting career, Horikita is also known for her charitable endeavors. She actively supports and participates in various philanthropic activities, particularly those related to the welfare and education of children. Today, Maki Horikita is celebrated as one of Japan’s most talented and beloved actresses. Her dedication to her craft, combined with her sincere and down-to-earth personality, have endeared her to fans around the world. With each new project, she continues to captivate audiences and solidify her status as a true icon in the Japanese entertainment industry.

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