Maria Fernanda Candido photos

Most popular Maria Fernanda Candido photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Maria Fernanda Candido
Fernanda Candido
Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Candido
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Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Candido
Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Cândido
Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Cândido
Maria Fernanda Cândido
Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Candido
Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Cândido
Maria Fernanda Candido
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Maria Fernanda Candido
Maria Fernanda Cândido
María Fernanda
Maria Fernanda Cândido

Maria Fernanda Candido photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Maria Fernanda Candido, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Maria Fernanda Candido is a Brazilian actress and model, born on May 21, 1974, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She gained international recognition for her talent and stunning beauty, becoming one of the most prominent figures in the entertainment industry. Candido started her modeling career at a young age and quickly became a well-known face in the fashion world. She worked with top designers and brands, gracing the covers of renowned magazines. However, her true passion lay in acting. In 1998, Maria Fernanda Candido made her television debut in the Brazilian telenovela Pecado Capital, which garnered critical acclaim and won her many accolades. Her remarkable performance caught the attention of both audiences and industry professionals, cementing her place as a rising star. Candido’s versatility and ability to interpret diverse characters led her to further success in several other telenovelas, including Esperanca, Mulheres Apaixonadas, and Viver a Vida. Her talent showcased a range of emotions and demonstrated her dedication to delivering compelling performances. Not content with dominating the small screen, Candido also ventured into cinema. She starred in numerous Brazilian films, including Carandiru and A Partilha, which received critical acclaim both domestically and internationally. Beyond her acting career, Candido is known for her humanitarian work and social activism. She has been involved in initiatives supporting women’s rights and education, using her fame for the betterment of society. With her incredible talent, charisma, and a passion for storytelling, Maria Fernanda Candido continues to captivate audiences around the world. Her remarkable journey from a young model to a renowned actress has solidified her status as one of Brazil’s most beloved celebrities, leaving an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.

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