Mariana Esposito photos

Most popular Mariana Esposito photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Mariana Esposito
Lali Esposito
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Mariana Esposito
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Mariana Esposito, best known as Lali Esposito, is an Argentine actress, singer, and songwriter. She was born on October 10, 1991, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lali rose to fame at a young age when she played the role of Marianella Rinaldi in the popular television series Casi Angeles (Almost Angels). Her natural talent and charisma captivated audiences, making her one of the most beloved television figures in Argentina. Following the success of Casi Angeles, Lali embarked on a professional singing career. In 2013, she released her debut studio album, A Bailar, which was met with commercial success and critical acclaim. Her music is a fusion of pop and Latin rhythms, often incorporating catchy melodies and energetic beats. Throughout her career, Esposito has released several successful albums, including Soy (2016) and Brava (2018). Her songs have topped music charts in Argentina and other Latin American countries, solidifying her status as a talented and influential musician. In addition to her acting and music career, Lali has also ventured into the world of theater. She has starred in various musical productions, including a leading role in the Argentine adaptation of the popular Broadway musical The Addams Family. Esposito’s talent and charm have garnered her numerous awards and accolades throughout her career. She has won several Martin Fierro Awards, Premios Quiero, and Kids’ Choice Awards, among others, cementing her position as one of Argentina’s most successful and beloved celebrities. Despite her fame, Lali remains down-to-earth and actively uses her platform to advocate for social causes. She has supported organizations fighting against child poverty and has spoken out about important issues such as gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights. Mariana Esposito, or Lali Esposito, continues to captivate audiences with her multifaceted talent and relentless pursuit of excellence. She remains an icon in both the acting and music industries, and her influence shows no sign of slowing down.

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