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Marika, whose full name is Marika Yusibova, is a renowned Russian pop-star and television personality. Born on October 4, 1985, in Moscow, Russia, Marika developed an early interest in music and performing arts. She began singing at the age of six and took piano lessons, displaying her natural talent and passion for music. At the age of 14, Marika auditioned for the popular Russian talent show, Fabrika Zvezd (Star Factory), and successfully secured a spot in the competition. Although she did not win the show, Marika gained significant attention from the public and the music industry. Following her time on Fabrika Zvezd, Marika released her debut album titled Ya Bolshe Ne Tvoya (I’m No Longer Yours) in 2003, which became a commercial success and launched her music career. She quickly became known for her catchy tunes and energetic stage performances. Over the years, Marika released several albums and singles, incorporating various music genres such as pop, dance, and R&B into her repertoire. Some of her notable hits include Veneno (Poison), Vlyubis v Menya Eshe Raz (Fall in Love with Me Once More), and Bez Tebya (Without You). In addition to her music, Marika appeared as a judge on the popular Russian singing competition show, Golos (The Voice), further establishing her presence in the entertainment industry. Her lively personality and constructive feedback endeared her to the audience and contestants alike. Marika has also ventured into other artistic endeavors, including acting. She played the lead role in the romantic comedy film, Leto bez solntsa (Summer Without Sun), which was released in 2012. With her charming stage presence, powerful vocals, and charismatic personality, Marika has gained a loyal fan base both in Russia and internationally. She continues to captivate audiences with her music and maintains a strong presence in the entertainment industry.

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