Max Thieriot photos

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Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot 2010
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
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Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot
Max Thieriot

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Max Thieriot is an American actor who was born on October 14, 1988, in Los Altos Hills, California. From a young age, Thieriot showed great potential in acting and pursued his passion by attending the Sonoma Country Day School in Santa Rosa. His first breakthrough came in 2004 when he played Seth in the comedy-drama film Catch That Kid. This success led to more prominent roles, including his portrayal of Dylan Massett in the hit television series Bates Motel from 2013 to 2017, which gained him critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. Thieriot’s versatility as an actor is evident in his choice of roles, ranging from intense psychological thrillers to heartwarming dramas. Some of his notable works include The Pacifier, Chloe, and Disconnect. In each production, he manages to captivate audiences with his emotional depth and on-screen presence. Apart from his acting career, Thieriot is also actively involved in humanitarian efforts. He has shown support for various causes, including the fight against human trafficking and cancer research. Thieriot’s dedication to making a positive impact on society has earned him immense respect within the entertainment industry. As a family man, Thieriot married his long-time girlfriend Lexi Murphy in 2013, and the couple has two children together. Despite his busy schedule, he remains committed to balancing his personal life and his flourishing acting career. Now well-established in Hollywood, Max Thieriot continues to impress audiences with his talent, charm, and his ability to deliver memorable performances. With his unwavering dedication to his craft and his passion for making a difference, there is no doubt that he will continue to shine in the entertainment industry for years to come.

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