Mia Kang photos

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Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
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Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
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Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang IMUTE
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang
Mia Kang

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Mia Kang is a British-Korean model and muay Thai fighter. She was born on December 30, 1988, in Hong Kong, to a British father and a Korean mother. Growing up in Hong Kong and London, Mia developed a passion for various sports and began excelling in her studies as well. After graduating from the University of Bristol with a degree in Economics, Mia pursued a career in modeling. She quickly gained recognition for her unique and diverse look, which set her apart from other models in the industry. Mia has worked with numerous renowned brands and appeared in magazines like Sports Illustrated, Maxim, and Vogue. However, Mia’s journey in the modeling world hasn’t always been easy. She faced pressures to conform to unrealistic beauty standards and struggled with body image issues. Determined to redefine beauty and embrace her own uniqueness, she embarked on a personal journey of self-acceptance and self-love. In addition to her successful modeling career, Mia also discovered a passion for martial arts, particularly muay Thai. She became dedicated to her training, constantly pushing her limits to become a skilled fighter. This dedication paid off when she won her first muay Thai fight in 2016. Mia’s story isn’t just about her accomplishments in the fashion and sports industry but also her advocacy for body positivity and mental health awareness. She uses her platform to inspire others to embrace their bodies and prioritize their mental wellbeing. Outside of her professional life, Mia is also an avid traveler and has a deep appreciation for different cultures. She frequently shares her adventures on social media, encouraging her followers to explore the world and step outside their comfort zones. Overall, Mia Kang is a multi-talented individual who has made a significant impact in the fashion industry, fought her battles with body image, and continues to inspire others through her journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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