Michael Trevino photos

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Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
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Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Tyler Shields
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino
Michael Trevino

Michael Trevino photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Michael Trevino, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Michael Trevino is an American actor best known for his role as Tyler Lockwood in the popular television series, The Vampire Diaries. Born on January 25, 1985, in Montebello, California, Trevino developed a passion for acting from a young age. Trevino’s career in the entertainment industry began in the early 2000s when he landed guest roles on various television shows, including Summerland and Charmed. However, his breakthrough came in 2009 when he was cast as Tyler Lockwood, a werewolf and later a hybrid, on The Vampire Diaries. His portrayal of Tyler Lockwood garnered him widespread acclaim and a significant fan following. He skillfully portrayed the complex and troubled character, showcasing his talent as an actor. Trevino’s chemistry with his co-stars and his ability to bring depth to his character’s emotions made him a beloved fan favorite. In addition to his notable role in The Vampire Diaries, Trevino has also made appearances in other popular television shows such as 90210 and CSI: Miami. He has consistently showcased his versatility as an actor, effortlessly transitioning between various genres and roles. Outside of his acting career, Trevino is known for actively engaging with his fans through social media platforms. He uses his platform to share updates about his work, interact with fans, and support charitable causes. As a talented actor with a charismatic presence, Michael Trevino continues to captivate audiences with his performances. His dedication to his craft and his ability to connect with viewers have solidified his position as one of the industry’s most sought-after talents.

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