Natalie Dreyfuss photos

Most popular Natalie Dreyfuss photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss Flash
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Catalina Otalvaro
Natalie Dreyfuss
Natalie Dreyfuss
Lauren Cohan

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Natalie Dreyfuss is an American actress best known for her roles in television shows and movies. She was born on February 25, 1987, in Los Angeles, California. Dreyfuss comes from a family of actors, which influenced her passion for acting from a young age. Her father, Lorin Dreyfuss, is a stage actor and her uncle, Richard Dreyfuss, is an Academy Award-winning actor. She began her acting career in the early 2000s, appearing in small roles in popular TV series such as The Shield and Weeds. However, her breakout role came in 2009 when she was cast as Amanda Bynes’ best friend in the hit movie Sydney White. This role helped her gain recognition and led to more opportunities in the entertainment industry. Since then, Dreyfuss has had a successful career, appearing in numerous TV shows such as The Secret Life of the American Teenager, Rita Rocks, and The Flash. Her versatility as an actress has allowed her to portray a wide range of characters, from comedic to dramatic roles. In addition to her television work, Dreyfuss has also ventured into the world of theater. She has performed in various stage productions, including the Tony Award-winning musical Hair. This experience has allowed her to showcase her singing and dancing abilities alongside her acting skills. Dreyfuss continues to be active in the entertainment industry, consistently taking on new roles and challenging herself as an actress. Her talent and dedication to her craft have earned her a loyal fan base and admiration from her peers. With her undeniable talent and determination, Natalie Dreyfuss is undoubtedly a rising star in Hollywood.

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