Natassia Malthe photos

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Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
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Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe
Natassia Malthe Doa
Natassia Malthe

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Natassia Malthe is a Canadian-Norwegian actress and model. She was born on January 19, 1974, in Oslo, Norway. Natassia discovered her passion for the entertainment industry at a young age and decided to pursue a career in acting. In the late 1990s, Natassia made her debut in the film industry with small roles in movies like Disturbing Behavior and First Wave. She quickly caught the attention of both audiences and casting directors with her striking beauty and exceptional talent. Throughout her career, Natassia has appeared in a variety of genres, including action, drama, and horror. One of her most notable roles came in 2005 when she portrayed the character of Typhoid in the superhero film Elektra, alongside Jennifer Garner. Her performance garnered critical acclaim, further establishing her as a versatile actress. Aside from her acting career, Natassia has also ventured into modeling, working with renowned brands and appearing in various magazines. Her stunning looks and elegant presence have made her a sought-after face in the fashion industry. Natassia continues to be a prominent figure in the entertainment world, regularly taking on challenging roles in films and television shows. Her dedication to her craft and constant growth as an artist have made her a beloved celebrity among fans and industry professionals. Outside of her professional life, Natassia is known for her philanthropic efforts, actively supporting causes such as children’s welfare and environmental conservation. Her commitment to making a positive impact on society has made her a role model for many. In conclusion, Natassia Malthe is a talented Canadian-Norwegian actress and model whose captivating performances and humanitarian work have earned her a special place in the entertainment industry. With her undeniable talent and ongoing dedication, she continues to leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

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