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Nicola Coughlan
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Nicola Coughlan
Nicola Coughlan
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Nicola Coughlan is an Irish actress known for her portrayal of Penelope Featherington in the popular Netflix series Bridgerton. She was born on January 9, 1987, in Galway, Ireland. Coughlan’s passion for acting began at a young age. She attended the National University of Ireland, Galway, where she studied acting at the Druid Academy of Dramatic Arts. After her graduation, she started her career in theater, appearing in various productions in Ireland and the United Kingdom. In 2013, Coughlan made her television debut with a guest role in the acclaimed period drama Downton Abbey. This breakthrough led to more opportunities in the industry. She went on to star in shows like Harlots and The Great British Bake Off: Extra Slice. However, it was her role as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton that catapulted Coughlan to international fame. The series, based on the popular novels by Julia Quinn, became an instant hit, and Coughlan’s portrayal of the witty and endearing Penelope won the hearts of viewers worldwide. Aside from her acting talent, Coughlan is also known for her advocacy for body positivity and inclusivity. As a plus-size actress, she has been vocal about the need for better representation in the industry and has inspired many with her confidence and authenticity. With her rising popularity, Nicola Coughlan continues to charm audiences with her talent, humor, and relatable personality. She has undoubtedly cemented herself as a talented actress, and fans eagerly await her future projects.

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