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Nicole Maines

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Nicole Maines is an American actress and transgender rights activist. She was born on October 7, 1997, in Gloversville, New York. Nicole became widely recognized for her groundbreaking role on the TV series Supergirl, where she portrayed Nia Nal, also known as Dreamer, making history as the first transgender superhero on television. Nicole’s journey began when she was very young. Assigned male at birth, she identified as female from a young age and started living as her authentic self. With the support of her family, Nicole transitioned during her teenage years, and her story gained national attention when she fought for equal rights in her school district. When she was in high school, Maines and her family filed a lawsuit against the Orono school district in Maine, after she faced discrimination for using the girls’ bathroom. The lawsuit ultimately led the Maine Supreme Judicial Court to make a landmark ruling in 2014, stating that individuals should have the right to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. Nicole’s activism and bravery inspired many, and she continued to advocate for transgender rights on numerous platforms. She has been a frequent speaker at various LGBTQ+ events and conferences, sharing her own experiences and fighting against discrimination and prejudice. In addition to her activism, Nicole pursued a career in acting. She made her acting debut in the HBO documentary The Trans List in 2016, where she bravely shared her story alongside other transgender individuals. This experience opened doors for her career, and in 2018, she joined the cast of Supergirl, becoming an influential figure for transgender representation in mainstream media. Nicole Maines’ impact goes beyond her acting career. Her advocacy work has helped bring visibility to transgender issues and advance the cause of transgender rights. By breaking barriers and challenging societal norms, she has become a role model for many, empowering individuals to embrace their identity and fight for equality.

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