Nina Moric photos

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Nina Moric
Nina Morić
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Nina Moric is a Croatian-Italian model and television personality. She was born on July 22, 1976, in Zagreb, Croatia. At a young age, she developed a passion for modeling and began her career in the fashion industry. Moric gained significant attention when she won the title of Miss Croatia in 1996, which opened doors for her in the modeling world. She quickly became a sought-after model in Italy, where she later moved to pursue her career. Her striking appearance and captivating presence allowed her to work with renowned fashion designers and grace the covers of various international magazines. Moric’s success as a model also paved the way for her entrance into the world of television. She appeared on numerous reality shows, including L’Isola dei Famosi (Italian version of Survivor) and Ballando con le Stelle (Italian version of Dancing with the Stars). Her appearances on these shows showcased her versatility and expanded her fanbase. Aside from her modeling and television endeavors, Moric is also an entrepreneur. She has launched her own swimwear line, which reflects her personal flair and style. Her business ventures further highlight her determination and drive to explore new horizons. Moric’s personal life has also been in the spotlight. She has been romantically linked to several high-profile individuals, including Italian footballer Christian Vieri. Their relationship was highly publicized, adding to Moric’s fame and popularity. Throughout her career, Nina Moric has continued to make a name for herself as a successful model, television personality, and businesswoman. Her striking beauty, talent, and entrepreneurial spirit have secured her a notable place in the entertainment industry. With her ongoing projects and ventures, it is clear that Moric’s influence and impact will continue to thrive in the years to come.

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