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Olivia Wilde, born Olivia Jane Cockburn on March 10, 1984, in New York City, is an American actress, producer, and director. She changed her surname to Wilde, adopting the name of Irish writer Oscar Wilde, as a tribute to her Irish heritage. Wilde began her career in the entertainment industry as an actress, gaining recognition for her role as Alex Kelly in the television series The O.C. She later starred in various films, including The Girl Next Door (2004), Alpha Dog (2006), and Tron: Legacy (2010). However, it was her portrayal of Dr. Remy Thirteen Hadley in the medical drama series House from 2007 to 2012 that truly established her as a talented and versatile actress. Alongside her successful acting career, Wilde has delved into producing and directing. In 2011, she co-produced the award-winning short film Sun City Picture House which depicted the resilience of Haitians following the devastating earthquake in 2010. She made her directorial debut with the critically acclaimed comedy film Booksmart in 2019, which received widespread praise for its fresh take on the coming-of-age genre and its strong female protagonists. Aside from her professional achievements, Wilde is also known for her activism and philanthropy. She is an advocate for several causes, including environmental conservation and human rights. She has been involved in organizations such as Artists for Peace and Justice, which raises funds to support education and healthcare initiatives in Haiti. With her striking looks, undeniable talent, and strong commitment to making a difference, Olivia Wilde continues to captivate audiences with her performances and inspire others with her activism. She remains an influential figure in the entertainment industry and is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with in both film and philanthropy.

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