Peaches Geldof photos

Most popular Peaches Geldof photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Peaches Geldof
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Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
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Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
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Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof
Peaches Geldof Slip
Peaches Geldof

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Peaches Geldof was a British media personality, model, and journalist. She was born on March 13, 1989, in London, England, as the second daughter of musician Bob Geldof and television presenter Paula Yates. Growing up, Peaches was surrounded by a famous and artistic family, which eventually sparked her interest in the entertainment industry. Peaches began her career at a young age, starting as a columnist for various magazines and newspapers. Her witty and insightful writing style captured the attention of many, and she soon became known for her sharp commentary and controversial opinions on various topics ranging from fashion to politics. In addition to her writing, Peaches also ventured into the modeling industry. She appeared on magazine covers, walked fashion runways, and represented several brands, establishing herself as a style icon and a prominent figure in the fashion world. With her captivating presence and outgoing personality, Peaches also sought opportunities in television. She hosted her own show called OMG! with Peaches Geldof, where she explored youth culture and interviewed influential personalities. Her natural talent for connecting with people made her a popular host among viewers. Despite achieving success in multiple areas of the media industry, Peaches faced her fair share of personal challenges. She struggled with some widely-publicized personal issues, including substance abuse, which she openly discussed and sought help for. Tragically, Peaches Geldof’s life was cut short on April 7, 2014, when she passed away at the age of 25. Her sudden and untimely death sent shockwaves through the media and entertainment world, leaving many mourning the loss of a vibrant and talented young woman. Peaches Geldof left behind a lasting legacy as a unique and influential voice in British media. Her fearlessness in expressing her opinions, as well as her contributions to fashion and journalism, continue to inspire others to this day.

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