Pollyanna McIntosh photos

Most popular Pollyanna McIntosh photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH
Pollyanna MCINTOSH

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Pollyanna McIntosh is a Scottish actress, writer, and director best known for her striking performances in various films and television shows. She was born on March 15, 1979, in Scotland, and grew up in a creative family, which played a significant role in shaping her career. McIntosh started her acting journey in theater productions and soon made her way into the world of cinema. She gained widespread recognition for her role as The Woman in the controversial horror film, The Woman (2011), directed by Lucky McKee. Her powerful and captivating portrayal of a feral woman caught the attention of both critics and audiences, establishing her as a prominent talent in the genre. In addition to her work in the horror genre, McIntosh has also showcased her versatility as an actress in various other projects. She appeared in the critically acclaimed drama film, Exam (2009), directed by Stuart Hazeldine, where she delivered a noteworthy performance as a determined job applicant. McIntosh has also made appearances in popular television shows like Hap and Leonard and The Walking Dead, further solidifying her presence in the acting industry. Aside from acting, McIntosh has ventured into writing and directing. She wrote and directed her first feature film, Darlin’ (2019), which serves as a sequel to The Woman. This marked her transition into the world of filmmaking, showcasing her multi-faceted talent and creative vision. Through her unique and engaging performances, Pollyanna McIntosh has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry. With her diverse range, dedication, and artistic prowess, she continues to captivate and inspire audiences worldwide.

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