Rachel Weisz photos

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Rachel Weisz
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Rachel Weisz
Rachel Weisz
Rachel Weisz

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Rachel Weisz is an English actress who has captivated audiences with her stunning performances on both stage and screen. Born on March 7, 1970, in London, England, Weisz developed an early interest in acting and attended the prestigious Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where she studied English. She made her acting debut in the early 1990s with small roles in television dramas and stage productions. However, it was her breakthrough performance in the 1999 film The Mummy that propelled her into the spotlight. Weisz portrayed the intelligent and resourceful character of Evelyn Carnahan, earning critical acclaim for her portrayal. Following the success of The Mummy, Weisz continued to impress with her diverse performances across various genres. Her role in the 2001 film The Constant Gardener showcased her tremendous talents, earning her an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Weisz demonstrated her versatility by effortlessly transitioning between independent dramas, period pieces, and blockbusters. Throughout her career, Weisz has worked with esteemed directors and actors, further solidifying her status as a highly respected artist. Some of her notable films include Enemy at the Gates, About a Boy, The Brothers Bloom, and The Lobster. Her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters has garnered her praise from both critics and audiences alike. In addition to her success on the big screen, Weisz has also ventured into theater, proving her mettle as a stage actress. She has performed in numerous productions, both in London and on Broadway, including A Streetcar Named Desire and Betrayal, for which she received critical acclaim. Beyond her acting career, Weisz is known for her philanthropic efforts and advocacy for various causes. She is a global ambassador for the charity Action for Children, which aims to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people. In her personal life, Weisz has been married to fellow actor Daniel Craig since 2011, and they have a daughter together. Despite her considerable success and fame, she has managed to maintain a relatively low-profile and remains grounded in her craft. Rachel Weisz continues to shine as a talented and versatile actress, leaving an indelible mark on the world of entertainment.

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