Rita Hayworth photos

Most popular Rita Hayworth photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1950
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1948
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1948
Rita Hayworth 1941
Rita Hayworth
Margarita Carmen Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth Gilda 1946
Rita Hayworth 1968
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1944
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1941
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth 1941

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Rita Hayworth, born Margarita Carmen Cansino on October 17, 1918, was a highly acclaimed American actress and dancer of the 1940s and 1950s. She rose to international fame for her mesmerizing beauty, exceptional dancing skills, and versatile acting talent. Hayworth’s journey into stardom began when she was just a child, dancing alongside her father in the family vaudeville act. By the age of 16, she had already made her debut in the film industry, appearing in several minor roles. However, it was her role in the film Only Angels Have Wings (1939) that captured the attention of critics and audiences alike, establishing her as a rising star. With her signature luscious red hair and sensuous charm, Hayworth quickly became one of Hollywood’s most sought-after leading ladies. She starred in numerous successful films, including Cover Girl (1944), Gilda (1946), and The Lady from Shanghai (1947), where she portrayed strong and complex female characters. Her on-screen chemistry with actors such as Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Orson Welles further cemented her status as a talented and alluring performer. Beyond her professional success, Hayworth’s personal life was equally captivating. She was married and divorced five times, including high-profile unions with Orson Welles and Prince Aly Khan. Her marriages often made headlines and added to her air of mystique and glamour. In the late 1950s, Hayworth temporarily stepped away from the spotlight to focus on her personal life and battle with alcoholism. Although she made sporadic appearances in films and television shows in the following decades, her career never fully regained its former glory. Rita Hayworth’s performances continue to inspire generations of actors and entertainers. Her impact on the film industry, particularly within the realm of femme fatale roles, remains influential, and she is remembered as one of the most iconic Hollywood stars of all time. Hayworth passed away on May 14, 1987, leaving behind a legacy that continues to shine.

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