Robert Deniro photos

Most popular Robert Deniro photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Robert Deniro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
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Robert de Niro
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Robert de Niro
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De Niro
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Robert Deniro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert Deniro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
De Niro
Robert de Niro
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Robert de Niro
Robert Deniro
Robert de Niro
Robert Deniro
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Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro 1993
Robert de Niro
Robert Deniro Oscar
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro
Robert de Niro

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Robert De Niro is an iconic American actor, producer, and director known for his intense performances and versatile acting abilities. Born on August 17, 1943, in Manhattan, New York City, De Niro grew up in a creative family, as his father was an abstract expressionist painter. De Niro first gained recognition for his role in the film Mean Streets (1973), directed by Martin Scorsese. This collaboration marked the beginning of a long and fruitful professional relationship between the two, leading to several legendary films such as Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), and Goodfellas (1990). In these movies, De Niro displayed his ability to fully immerse himself in his characters, earning critical acclaim and numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards for Best Actor. Beyond his partnership with Scorsese, De Niro has worked with other esteemed directors, such as Francis Ford Coppola in The Godfather: Part II (1974). His dedication to his roles made him one of the most respected actors of his generation, with an unwavering commitment to authenticity and method acting. In addition to his prowess in front of the camera, De Niro has also ventured into producing and directing. He co-founded the production company Tribeca Productions, which has produced several successful films and documentaries. Moreover, De Niro has helmed projects such as A Bronx Tale (1993) and The Good Shepherd (2006), proving his multifaceted talent. De Niro’s contributions to the film industry have earned him countless honorary awards and accolades, including the AFI Life Achievement Award and the Kennedy Center Honors. He continues to act in both critically acclaimed films and commercial blockbusters, captivating audiences with his compelling performances. Additionally, De Niro is an outspoken political activist and has used his platform to advocate for various causes. Through his remarkable career, Robert De Niro has solidified his place as one of the greatest actors of all time. With his unparalleled talent and dedication, he has left an indelible mark on the world of cinema and continues to be a revered figure in the entertainment industry.

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