Rosa Salazar photos

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Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
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Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar
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Rosa Salazar
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Yolenny Salazar
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Rosa Salazar
Rosa Salazar

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Rosa Salazar is an American actress, best known for her roles in films such as Alita: Battle Angel and the Maze Runner series. She was born on July 16, 1985, in Washington D.C., to a Peruvian father and French mother. Raised in Greenbelt, Maryland, Salazar discovered her passion for acting at a young age and pursued her dreams by attending the prestigious Acting Studio in New York City. Salazar initially started her career in the entertainment industry by appearing in various television shows, including Law & Order: LA and American Horror Story. Her breakthrough role came in 2014 when she was cast as Lynn in the film The Maze Runner. Her performance received critical acclaim and led to more significant opportunities for her. In 2018, Salazar landed her most prominent role to date as the titular character in the science fiction film Alita: Battle Angel. The movie, directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, showcased Salazar’s acting prowess and physicality. Her portrayal of the cyborg Alita received widespread praise, and the film became a commercial success. Aside from her work in films, Salazar has also lent her voice to animated projects such as Big Mouth and Undone. She is known for her ability to portray complex characters with depth and vulnerability, capturing the hearts of both audiences and critics alike. Salazar continues to establish herself as a versatile actress, taking on diverse roles that challenge her skills and showcase her talent. Beyond her acting career, Salazar is also an advocate for social and environmental causes. She has actively spoken out on issues such as climate change and gender equality, using her platform to raise awareness and promote positive change. With her undeniable talent, dedication to her craft, and passionate advocacy, Rosa Salazar has proven herself as a rising star in the entertainment industry. Her energy and versatility continue to impress audiences, and she is undoubtedly an actress to watch in the years to come.

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