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Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
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Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
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Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne
Sarah Callies
Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
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Prison Break Sara
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies

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Sarah Wayne Callies is an American actress best known for her roles in popular television series such as Prison Break and The Walking Dead. Born on June 1, 1977, in La Grange, Illinois, Callies initially had her sights set on becoming an athlete. However, she later developed an interest in acting and decided to pursue it professionally. Callies attended Dartmouth College, where she studied education and graduated magna cum laude. During her time at college, she became involved in various theater productions and discovered her true passion for acting. After completing her education, she further honed her skills by attending the National Theatre Conservatory in Denver, Colorado. In 2005, Callies landed her breakthrough role as Dr. Sara Tancredi in the hit television series Prison Break. Her portrayal of the intelligent and compassionate physician earned her critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase. She continued to captivate audiences with her talent and versatility when she joined the cast of the popular post-apocalyptic horror series The Walking Dead in 2010. Callies played the character of Lori Grimes, the wife of the show’s protagonist, and showcased her ability to portray complex emotions in a world plagued by zombies. Apart from her television work, Callies has also ventured into films and theater. She has appeared in movies such as Black November and The Other Side of the Door, showcasing her ability to adapt to different genres and storytelling mediums. In addition to her acting career, Callies is known for her humanitarian efforts. She has been involved with various charitable organizations, including the International Rescue Committee, and has actively worked to raise awareness about issues such as refugee crises and human rights violations. Sarah Wayne Callies continues to leave a lasting impression on both the small and big screens with her powerful performances and commitment to her craft. With her talent, passion, and dedication to making a positive impact in the world, she is undoubtedly a celebrated and respected actress in the entertainment industry.

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