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Shu Qi
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Shu Qi
Shu Qi
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Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi
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Shu Qi and Hsu chi
Shu Qi
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Shu Qi
Shu Qi
Shu Qi 舒淇
Shu Qi
Shu Qi

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Shu Qi, born on April 16, 1976, in Taipei, Taiwan, is a renowned Taiwanese actress and model. Her birth name is Lin Li-hui, but she gained popularity under her stage name Shu Qi. Shu Qi began her career in the entertainment industry as a model at a young age. Her striking beauty and charismatic presence quickly caught the attention of photographers and fashion designers, leading her to grace the covers of numerous magazines and walk the runways for various fashion shows. In 1996, Shu Qi made her breakthrough in acting by starring in the critically acclaimed film Sex & Zen II. This role propelled her into the spotlight and established her as a versatile actress. She continued to showcase her acting prowess in both mainstream and art-house films, working with acclaimed directors in Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and mainland Chinese cinema. Some of Shu Qi’s notable filmography includes The Assassin, directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien, which earned her the Best Actress award at the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival. She also starred in the action-packed The Transporter franchise opposite Jason Statham and the romantic drama Three Times, directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien. Shu Qi’s talent and dedication to her craft have earned her accolades and recognition internationally. She received nominations and awards at various prestigious film festivals, including the Berlin International Film Festival and the Hong Kong Film Awards. Beyond her successful acting career, Shu Qi is also known for her philanthropic endeavors. She actively supports charitable organizations, advocating for causes such as the education and welfare of underprivileged children. Shu Qi’s unique combination of beauty, talent, and philanthropy has made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Her dedication to her craft and her commitment to making a positive impact in the world continue to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.

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