Simon Baker photos

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Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
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Simon Baker
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Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
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Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker
Simon Baker

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Simon Baker is an Australian actor and director who gained international fame for his role as Patrick Jane in the hit television series, The Mentalist. He was born on July 30, 1969, in Launceston, Tasmania. Baker began his career as a television actor in Australia, starring in shows like E Street and Home and Away. However, it was his role in the critically acclaimed film Lantana in 2001 that brought him recognition and established him as a talented actor. In 2008, Baker landed the role of Patrick Jane in The Mentalist, which catapulted him to global stardom. His portrayal of a former psychic medium who uses his exceptional observational skills to solve crimes earned him a loyal fan base and numerous award nominations. Baker’s charismatic and nuanced performance in the series made him one of the most beloved actors on television. Apart from his work in The Mentalist, Baker has appeared in several noteworthy films, including The Devil Wears Prada, Margin Call, and I Give It a Year. He has also directed and produced a number of episodes for The Mentalist. In addition to his success as an actor, Baker is well-known for his striking looks and has been recognized as one of the sexiest men alive by several publications. His effortless charm and down-to-earth personality have endeared him to fans around the world. Off-screen, Baker is passionately involved in environmental activism. He has been an ambassador for the National Geographic Society’s Nat Geo Run campaign and has campaigned for eco-friendly causes, including clean ocean initiatives. Simon Baker is not only a gifted actor but also a philanthropist and environmental advocate. His talent, dedication, and commitment to making a positive impact both on and off the screen have solidified his status as one of Australia’s most prominent celebrities in the entertainment industry.

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