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Susanna Canzian
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Susanna Canzian
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Susanna Canzian
Susanna Canzian
Susanna Canzian
Susanna Canzian
Susanna Canzian

Susanna Canzian photo gallery updated daily. We update the gallery only with high-quality, interesting photographs. If you have good quality photos of Susanna Canzian, you can add them through this page. Good photos will be added to the photo gallery.


Susanna Canzian is an Italian model and beauty queen, born on May 21, 1992, in Spilimbergo, Italy. She rose to prominence after winning the Miss Italia 2008 beauty pageant at the age of 16. This victory catapulted her into the spotlight and opened doors for her in the world of fashion and entertainment. Before her pageant success, Susanna had always dreamt of a career in modeling. Her natural beauty, graceful demeanor, and striking features made her stand out amongst other contestants. Following her win, she became a sought-after model, working with some of the most renowned fashion brands and walking the runways of prominent fashion shows across the globe. Susanna’s talent and dedication allowed her to establish herself as a successful model internationally. She graced the covers of various fashion magazines and became the face of numerous advertising campaigns. Her unique blend of Italian charm and elegance captivated many designers and photographers, leading to collaborations with notable names in the industry. While Susanna’s modeling career flourished, she also pursued her academic aspirations. She attended the University of Udine, where she studied Psychology. Balancing her studies with her modeling commitments demonstrated her determination and ability to excel in multiple arenas. Beyond her achievements in the fashion world, Susanna has also showcased her talent in the entertainment industry. She participated in the Italian dance competition show Ballando con le Stelle in 2012, further expanding her reach and gaining recognition beyond the modeling sphere. Despite her professional success, Susanna has managed to maintain a down-to-earth persona. She is known for her friendly demeanor and willingness to engage with her fans. Her social media platforms reflect her genuine personality, often sharing insights into her personal life, fitness routines, and travel adventures. Susanna Canzian’s journey from a small town in Italy to international fame and recognition serves as an inspiration to many aspiring models and young individuals chasing their dreams. Her dedication, talent, and versatility have solidified her status as a prominent figure in the fashion and entertainment industries, and she continues to evolve as a multifaceted personality.

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