Tori Praver photos

Most popular Tori Praver photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
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Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver 2007
Tori Praver 2007
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Tori Praver
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Tori Praver
Tori Praver 2007
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Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
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Tori Praver
Tori Praver Swimwear
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
Tori model
Tori Praver
Tori Praver
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Tori Praver
Tori Praver Sports illustrated
Tori Praver

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Tori Praver is a renowned American model and fashion designer, born on June 4, 1987, in San Diego, California. From a young age, she developed a passion for the world of fashion and modeling. At the age of 13, Tori was discovered by a modeling agent while shopping in a local mall. This encounter marked the beginning of her successful career in the fashion industry. She quickly gained recognition for her unique and exotic look, which led her to work with some of the most prestigious brands and fashion houses worldwide. Tori’s breakthrough came when she appeared in the 2007 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, a milestone achievement for any aspiring model. This exposure further catapulted her career and made her a sought-after name in the industry. She continued to grace the covers of numerous fashion magazines and walked the runways for elite brands like Chanel, Ralph Lauren, and Guess. Not content with just being a model, Tori Praver decided to embark on a new and challenging venture by establishing her own swimwear line. Combining her love for fashion with her deep knowledge of swimsuits, she founded Tori Praver Swimwear in 2009. Her designs quickly gained popularity for their stylish and innovative approach, catering to women of all shapes and sizes. Aside from her modeling and designing career, Praver also ventured into acting, making appearances in films like Just Go with It (2011), starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. Throughout her journey, Tori Praver has managed to maintain a strong and influential presence in the fashion industry. Her dedication, talent, and entrepreneurial mindset have made her a role model for aspiring models and entrepreneurs alike. With her timeless beauty and determination, Tori continues to leave a lasting impression in the fashion world, solidifying her status as an iconic and multi-talented celebrity.

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