Warpaint photos

Most popular Warpaint photos and pics, ranked by our visitors.

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Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint heads up
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Olga Kurylenko Terry Richardson
Warpaint Band
Bracco Band Live
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band
Warpaint Band

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Warpaint is an American indie rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 2004. The band consists of four talented members – Emily Kokal, Theresa Wayman, Jenny Lee Lindberg, and Stella Mozgawa. Their unique sound combines elements of psychedelic rock, dream pop, and post-punk, creating a mesmerizing and ethereal experience for their listeners. With their atmospheric melodies, intricate guitar lines, and hypnotic harmonies, Warpaint quickly gained attention in the indie music scene. The band released their debut EP, Exquisite Corpse, in 2008, which received critical acclaim for its moody and haunting sound. This led to multiple opportunities to tour and collaborate with well-established artists, such as Red Hot Chili Peppers and Thom Yorke. In 2010, Warpaint released their self-titled album, showcasing their evolving and experimental sound. The album was met with positive reviews, further solidifying their status as a rising force in the alternative music scene. Their sophomore album, Warpaint, released in 2014, received widespread acclaim and became a commercial success. Over the years, Warpaint has continued to evolve their sound, experimenting with different musical styles and incorporating electronic elements into their music. Their dedication to artistic exploration has earned them a dedicated fanbase and critical recognition. In addition to their success as a band, individual members of Warpaint have also pursued solo projects and collaborations with other artists, displaying their versatility as musicians. Warpaint’s live performances are renowned for their intensity and captivating energy. The band’s chemistry on stage, along with their melodic prowess, has made them a sought-after act at music festivals around the world. With their unique blend of dreamy melodies, haunting vocals, and intricate instrumentation, Warpaint continues to push the boundaries of indie rock and captivate audiences worldwide.

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